Box office woes

If you could predict exactly which movies will be hits and which will not, and as such, only release the hits, you’d get closer to the model working again, sure.

I’d like to say I understand what movies will hit and which won’t. I’m an artist, a writer, and a student of the art of films and story. But I don’t have a clue which films will blow up the box office and which will fail. If I did I’d be rich. 

This is hard stuff, and I think M.G. is right that there are so many elements that go into making a movie work well. 

Marvel certaintly seemed to have the pieces right for a while, but even they’ve been struggling in recent years. 

I hope the box office continues to succed though, it’s a joy to be able to track things we care about and see their numbers out in the open. 

Via Spyglass