
Hello, I’m Joshua.

Updated March 19, 2024

Me – I live and work in the panhandle of Idaho. My wife and I live here with two amazing kids, and I take every opportunity possible to enjoy the great outdoors. I read all the time (and by reading, I mean listening to audiobooks) and love to tinker and create new things.

Doing – I’m a product designer by day. That means I spend an inordinate amount of time studying apps, making apps, and sketching the heck out of app ideas on my iPad. I snap screenshots of things all the time when I see a good design pattern. It’s a lot of fun. I’ve worked on over a dozen apps at this point. I also help WordPress teams improve onboarding for their plugins and love to illustrate occasionally. Checkout my CV or ping me if you have questions.

Reading – I’m currently reading Slow Productivity by Cal Newport, and Dune by Frank Herbert (which is the second attempt, and frankly it’s kind of hard to keep pushing through). I have a list of favorite books which I need to get around to updating.

Writing – Writing as often as inspiration strikes on this blog, on Mastodon, and with the occasional novels.

Podcasts – I run two fun weekly podcasts with several friends.

Ping me at if you want to talk.