7 Nights with Apple Vitals

Apple announced the Vitals Watch App at WWDC.

Last week I finally got a chance to test it out. Since it’s still in Beta I won’t comment on it specifically (I’m guessing things will change), but it’s an interesting take to have an app take 7 nights of sleep before showing you data. In an age where we expect quick results it’s a real commitment to spend a week waiting for something. 

I even started sleeping with an Apple Watch (something I never do) to get the data. 

Side note: Slipping the watch around to the inside of the wrist is a huge change and helps me actually sleep on my side. 

After a week I finally started checking the data from Apple, and though it’s interesting and well designed, I find myself wondering if it will be worth a permanent habit change (sleeping with a watch) for the benefit of the additional data.