Category: Uncategorized

  • Creating a focused Threads feed

    I recently had a friend ask me how I’ve shaped my Threads experience. Over the last year I’ve found it quite delightful to use. Part of the reason is there are a small group of people I’ve followed from Twitter to Mastodon to Threads. These are people who are a mix of tech writers, content…

  • Charting data as a designer

    For a while now I’ve wanted to better understand simple data and see it charted out over time. Imagine you are manually writing down your energy levels on a scale of 1-10 over the period of three months. You then want to take all that and quickly chart it out to see how you felt…

  • Zoomed in and out

    “We are still majority-remote, but I think a lot of people forget our many products and solutions that are only designed for in-office work.” What products are they talking about? Have you met anyone who knows a Zoom tool for in-office use? So Saxon and his C-level peers told workers that if they live within…

  • Logging our creativity

    And funnily enough, I only really recognize where the balance stands after the fact. In the moment, it all just feels very natural, like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to do. So I’m going to keep doing it – and, of course, tracking it. If any other interesting insights come up from my creativity…

  • Apple Watch, a smart delight

    I’ve been wearing an Apple watch for a year and a half now. Before that I’d tried other watches but none stuck.  Nearliy every other wrist band Item I’ve tried before hasn’t worked.  Fitbits were a great idea, and I tried several. But they were never useful enough relative to the annoyance of carrying them and…

  • Interviewing as a proxy

    Unless we’re interviewing for people who have interviewing as their job, there isn’t a lot of evidence that doing a great job in the interview means you’re going to do a great job. Learning to interview decently is a skill I’ve acquired over years of effort. I’m glad I have it now, but agree it…

  • Adobe‘s subscription goes long

    The US government is suing Adobe for allegedly hiding expensive fees and making it difficult to cancel a subscription. Whenever I start a monthly subscription I immediately go in and cancel it. If I need it I’ll renew again the next month. I I’ve been through the pain of trying to cancel an Adobe subscription…

  • Canva for the rest of us

    You can’t blame individuals for taking the path of least resistance. Creating a Canva design takes minutes and requires no skill. It’s fast, cheap and gets the job done for cash-strapped small businesses, students, nonprofits and others who can’t afford a professional designer. An original design carefully crafted from scratch is always going to look…

  • Julia Chesbrough: Subscription business model for fractionals

    This week on Fractional we had the privilege of interviewing Julia, a freelance designer who has been running her own subscription based product design business. As a product designer myself I found this a lot of fun to chat with her. If you’re in the design field, or interested in design or starting your own…

  • Where did Apple get its content?

    Everything was fun and cool until they showed generative image creation that spits out slop “resembling” (strong word) other people; and in this post, everything was cool until they mentioned how – surprise! – Applebot had already indexed web content to train their model without publishers’ consent, who can only opt out now. John nailed my sentiment. The slop part had…

  • Assassin’s Creed

    I’m a very casual gamer. And up till now I so no reason to update my iPad. I’ve been tempted by the new Apple Pencil, but that’s not enough. Seeing that Apple has released one of my favorite franchises on iPadOS has me wondering if I might upgrade this year.

  • Portable gaming podcast

    This new podcast has been such a delight to listen to. It’s reigniting my passion for pulling out some portable gaming again.

  • Not a nameless face

    For years I’ve read stuff from other authors, and often been hesitant to let them know my appreciation for what they’ve written. Now, as I write things I so much appreciate when the smallest note, where a friend or stranger lets me know that my words were helpful. I’m trying to do the same these…

  • Beautiful death

    A year ago a fire swept through this area. It was terrifying and thankfully nobody was hurt. Now I find beauty in the devastation and it reminds me that potential is always waiting.

  • Finity delights

    Finity is the perfect little game. Myke Hurley recommended it recently on a podcast and I gave it a try. It has a great mix of fun puzzle, with a gradual challenge curve, and makes a simple concept feel truly delightful. I’ve been turning to it more than Reddit or other apps recently, enjoying an…

  • Leaders leading

    Leadership is hard. Few do it well, and the ones the figure it out are a joy to watch. You see their humble strength, mixed with care for others, and are excited to see where things are going to go. In my experience great leaders don’t want it. They choose to accept the role because…

  • Open

    Having a take on things is hard. It means getting the nuance of a situation enough to understand it and then having the time to think about why the thing matters. This is something I greatly appreciate about writers and podcasters I’ve followed for years. They try to figure out the details and meaning of…

  • When ability matches interest

    Years ago I heard that your taste starts out right, but it takes time until your skills can match your tastes. This is so true. I’m interested in so many things, have a sense for how they should be done, but when I sit down to do the thing, the results are far short of…

  • Downstream changes

    I’ve been an avid listener of Downstream for the past two years. It’s the best resource I’ve found to understand why streaming companies make their decisions, where they’re doing well, and what’s looming on the horizon for each of them. This interest started before I joined a streaming company, and continued as I keep trying…

  • It works!

    I’ve been pining for a solution to write short form posts to my blog from my phone. Last year I tried out the WordPress app, and ran into issues publishing. Since then I’ve scoured for other solutions. It seems the app is working now. – Sent from WordPress on my iPhone