The only thing that’s worked reliably for me for more than a decade has been simple tools and habits.
I add items to a handful of bulleted lists, and pick a few to do that day.
After a lot of tweaking and testing of every productivity system around I’ve landed on something similar. I use Things 3 to list out my daily todos. At the end of the day I check everything off or (and in most cases) move remaining items to the next day or a few days later.
If a todo item is more complicated, I reference a similiar named Apple Notes doc with more checkmarks on it.
That’s it.
This system works for everything. Even work related items. If I have to track tasks in a company tool, such as Linear, I reference the ticket number in Things 3 or the related Apple Notes doc, and either check it off or move it to a future day.
(Via adhdftw)