Author: Joshua

One Small Thing

Push-ups Can you do a push-up? Whether it’s from the knees or strict I’m sure you can. Go on, try one now. That was pretty easy right? Do you think you could do one more tomorrow when you wake up? Earlier this year I was reading “Tools of Titans”, from Tim Ferriss and I was […]

My Favorite Noisemaker App

These two apps, Relax Melodies and Noisli, perfectly illustrate why a simpler, more focused, solution will often win out over one that tries to do everything. For the past few years I’ve used Relax Melodies, the main function I use is the white noise sound. At one point I even considered making my own app […]

Choosing my next iPhone

Watching video – It's easier to watch video and get a bit more immersed in what you're viewing. This is especially the case since I always watch video (unless it's portrait shot) in landscape.  Taking photos – This is the biggest benefit for me. I LOVE portrait mode. It's the number one reason I decided […]

Creation vs consumption

Lately I’ve been thinking about how I’m spending my time. There are periods of time every week where I find myself consuming content. That could be a TV show or movie, a book, Reddit, social media, news, tech blogs, etc. In all of this I’m merely an open vessel absorbing bits of information. Now granted […]

Traveling light

Often for work I need to travel stateside by plane. I’m constantly trying to whittle down what I’m carrying to see how little I can take. After several tries I’ve gotten it down to the following for a 2-5 day trip: Backpack – I searched a long time for one that was small enough to […]


I’ve been curious about AirPods since they came out. I finally got my own (Father’s day gift from my wife) and have been using them all day. I love them! My previous favorite headphones were the Jabra Move Wireless (recommended by The Wirecutter). The fit – I’ve never had a problem with Apple earbuds. As […]

Deep Work – Social media break

Last month I finished reading Cal Newport’s Deep Work. One of the things I decided to try as a result is a 30 day social media fast. On June 22 that time will be up and I’ll log back into each of my social media accounts. Here’s a few things I’ve noticed: Habit breaking – […]

Drawing and sketching apps for iPad

After nearly six months of using the iPad as a sketching machine, I’ve settled on my favorite sketching app. I’ve tried every single one I could get my hands on, probably close to a dozen of the most popular ones (Everything from Adobe, Linea, anything from Autodesk, anything that shows up in the App Store […]

Flight of the Fallen

Krehin held his ear to the door and listened to the sounds coming from outside. Rain beat against the wood, drowning out anything except for the constant thudding against the tree branches. He bent his head down and let out a sigh.  “Waiting around won’t make it stop.”  His grandma smiled and picked up a […]

When Not Requiring a Down Payment Taught Me a Valuable Lesson

I landed my first paid design project when I was 13 years old. I will protect the guilty by changing the name of the owner, we’ll call him Bob.

My job was to create several hundred icons for an online kids gaming website. Designing icons was fun for me. So when Bob contacted me, it was a dream come true. My first chance to get paid to do something I loved.